Jackie Lapin

Conscious Media Relations Podcast/Radio Tour SpeakerTunity: The Speaker & Leader Resource Company®


[Coming in 2022]

  • SpeakerTunity Slide Design
  • SpeakerTunity Speaker Handouts, Book Flyers and Promotional EBook Design

Top 3 Superpowers:

  • Acclaimed Done-for-Your Podcast/Radio Tour
  • Pre-Researched Speaker Leads Provided -- All Platforms
  • Speaker / Podcast Sheet Design & VA Booking Service

Services Provided:

Conscious Media Relations

Conscious Media Relations Podcast/Radio Tours have helped nearly 250 luminaries, leaders, filmmakers and authors grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership and change more lives by introducing them to up to 9000 radio shows, podcasts and videocasts - including such clients as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Arielle Ford, Hay House and more. See more than 80 rave reviews at www.ConsciousMediaRelations.com/testimonials. Our top two packages include a minimum guarantee of 30 interview invitations. Full media kit development can be included. This is an optimum way to launch a book with impact, refresh an older book, or use your book as a gateway to market your business. 


SpeakerTunity® enables authors to get on more stages faster so they can sell more books, grow their businesses, and change more lives. We save them the onerous time of researching the contacts for all speaking platforms by providing speaker lead directories or monthly subscription services. These resources include contact directories for live and virtual speaking, podcasts/radio shows/videocasts, virtual summits, TEDx events, and virtual networking. You can select from 75 Regional Directories or 60 NICHE Specialty Directories to get you right to your target audience.

Short biography:

Jackie Lapin is a leader in helping leaders, authors, coaches, speakers and entrepreneurs connect with their next followers around the globe. An expert at aiding them to GET BOOKED, she provides strategies, guidance and leads through her SpeakerTunity® programs, tip sheets and regional and niche specialty directories that get changemakers booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits, TEDx events and virtual networking across North America. SpeakerTunity® is the Ultimate Speaker’s Toolbox. 

Jackie’s internationally acclaimed Conscious Media Relations Radio/Podcast Tours have helped nearly 250 luminaries, leaders, filmmakers and authors grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership and change more lives by introducing them to up to 9000 radio shows and podcasts, including such clients as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Arielle Ford, Hay House and more. 

Prior to this, Jackie owned one of the largest sports/special events public relations agencies in America, which had a world class client list. She began her career as one of the first women sportswriters in the world, which included stints with the Detroit Free Press, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and Associated Press. 

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